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why choose Manisha Tutors
Manisha Tutors help you in finding the best tutors around you.

Home Tuition
Register on the website and get access to a full fledged directory of best tutors in your area.Now finding a perfect tutor for any subject is just a click away.

Group Tuition
Learning in group is always encouraged thats why we come up with an solutions for students to study with other students who are of same classes and share the study tips and tricks.

Online Tuition
Online Tuitions save you the commute time and disabling the limitation of studying from tutors of your locality only.

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2477 happy users
Junaid Sir helped me to understand some concepts that i was struggling with the year before that were essential for cracking Medical Entrance.Thanks Manisha Tutors.

Prakash Ghosh
StudentAfter creating my profile on manishatutors.com i start getting leads from the very next day.I will thank my friend Rupesh who suggested me this website.

Amit Chopra
TutorFinding a good tutor is itself a huge problem today, but manishatutors.com make it very easy for me. I got the tutor in next 3 days.Will highly recommend to parents.

Dr D Sharma
ParentWe are a group of 4 friends, we are taking Group Tuition from Kapil Sir in Punjabi bagh. I am glad that i find my best tutor here.

Tarun Mehta
09 July
As Misha, moved into a new city because of a transfer she had to identify schools, recreational places, vehicles for commuting, domestic maid and a hospital cum chemist shop for or her in laws. Ther
18 October
Find out various faculties for variety of courses be it School level or University level. It also provides you with Tutors for competitive examinations; want to know who provides you with this, entire